Friday, October 28, 2011

Backwoods Bumpkin Recommends Wild Horses for Fish Food « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Backwoods Bumpkin Recommends Wild Horses for Fish Food « Straight from the Horse's Heart

A friend on FaceBook tipped me off to this little gem, below. Being a blogger and writer I am acutely aware of the fact that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but this ole back-woods cuss about takes the cake when it comes to cruelty, ignorance and a single minded buy-in to the BLM’s BS. You have to visit the “Opinion” website and drop off a comment or two as the author’s article has been up for over 24 hours with nary a comment to be seen. This will surely get your chaps hiked up but remember, Sunday is just around the corner and we have a special story to share that will wash out your minds and charge up your spirit so hang in there.

In the “mean” time…” ~ R.T.

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