Monday, October 17, 2011

Alleged Horse Trainer BBQs Horses for Clients « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Alleged Horse Trainer BBQs Horses for Clients « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Sadly, if you have been unfortunate enough to be around the issue of predatory horse slaughter, for any length of time, you have had no choice but to run into the name of bloody, pro-slaughter extremest Dave Duquette the witless sidekick of equine terrorist Wyoming State Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis. With Wallis leading the way down a path of blind lies, self-serving statements and threats against the horses of the United States Dave “Doink” Duquette has been right behind her picking up on scraps and never coming forth with an original thought, the veritable “lap dog” of all that is sick and perverse with American society today. Allegedly a horse trainer, Doink would brag and extol upon the pleasures of brutally killing and eating the very companion animals that he is said to earn his income through breeding and training. If you ever wanted a nasty email, sprinkled with expletives and uneducated rants, simply write to ole Doink and your wish would be granted but then…he disappeared.

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