Sunday, May 8, 2011

Movie Review: Wild Horses & Renegades « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Movie Review: Wild Horses & Renegades « Straight from the Horse's Heart

A few years back I wrote an article about the threat to America's wild horses in general and the small herd of Mustangs on the Blackjack Mountain preserve in Oklahoma in particular. At that time I laid the blame for the mismanagement of one of America's greatest natural resources at the feet of the Bureau Of Land Management (BLM) and their close ties to corporations buying leases on public land to run livestock. The BLM is supposedly responsible for the stewardship of all wild lands not currently national parks owned by the federal government in trust for the people of the United States. The acts which govern the terms of their stewardship spell out they are supposed to treat them in manner sensitive to the existing ecosystems. One of the pieces of legislation which applies to these territories is the Wild Free-Roaming Horse And Burro Actpassed in 1971 that was designed to preserve existing populations of wild horses and burros on all government owned lands.

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