Friday, September 14, 2012

Wild Horse DC Pose Delivers Goods « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Wild Horse DC Pose Delivers Goods « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Dear Fellow Equine Welfare Advocates:

No press release, just a simple thank you note.

On a personal level I would like to thank everyone involved for the success of delivering your heartfelt letters to D.C. asking the President to put a stop to the senseless management to extinction of our wild horses and burros.

Thanks go our Wild Horse Freedom Federation’s BoD, Habitat for Horses, the Cloud Foundation, the Office of Rep. Jim Moran, Horseback Magazine, PPJ Gazette, Protect Mustangs, Respect4Horses, Equine Welfare Alliance, Native Wild Horse Protection, Animal Law Coalition, Marin Mustangs, my wife Terry, Jerry Finch and the thousands and thousands of outraged American taxpayers who took the time to collect their thoughts and forward their feelings to us so that we could take them to Washington D.C. (apologies to anyone I may have forgotten)

I have to be honest with you all and say that over the past 72 hours I have been in shock and overcome by awe when considering the intensity of the overall response and the out powering of sentiment and conviction documented in the mailings that we received.  There were a few moments where I thought that we might have bitten off more than we could chew but we did what we said we would do and your letters are, currently, in Congressman Jim Moran’s office in preparation to be delivered to the President with an accompanying cover letter.

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