Saturday, September 29, 2012

Money, Ego and the Failure to Save Wild Horses and Burros « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Money, Ego and the Failure to Save Wild Horses and Burros « Straight from the Horse's Heart

n the past 36 hours there has been a whirlwind of hysteria swirling around an incomplete article on captured American wild horses and burros being sent to slaughter under the watchful eye of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the very agency charged with protecting these national treasures.  David Philipps published said article on what is touted to be an investigative piece on the possibility of a kill buyer purchasing captured wild horses from the BLM and then shipping them off to slaughter but Philipps grievously failed to wait for the story to conclude with final proof and verification of exactly when, how and where the horses actually went.

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