Saturday, November 5, 2011

Truth Sends Horse Eating Fanatics Scurrying « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Truth Sends Horse Eating Fanatics Scurrying « Straight from the Horse's Heart

The Equine Welfare Alliance (EWA) recently issued a press release on Obama’s campaign promise to ban horse slaughter, forever, and on the dark and shady antics of Wyoming Rep. “Slaughterhouse” Sue Wallis and her mindless followers who allegedly defrauded the White House petition website in a feeble attempt to defend their perverse need to bring horse slaughter plants back to the U.S..

The release was published, here, and also at Horseback Magazine where a certain individual, who is obviously part of Wallis’ coven if not Wallis herself, began commenting and accusing Mr. John Holland of distorting the truth and facts…which is documented on NOT being the case. Most readers, here, were engaged but one compassionate soul replied back to the avid horse-eater with the comment, below, and the dark little demon skittered off into the night to lick it’s wounds and has yet to show it’s slimy face in the daylight. The truth always puts them away…

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