Thursday, December 29, 2011

Horse Eating Minority Attempt to Make a Point « Straight from the Horse's Heart

Horse Eating Minority Attempt to Make a Point « Straight from the Horse's Heart

In our last post we shared with you a letter from an astounding 14 year old young lady, Cheyenne Little, who is actually educated enough and adequately enlightened to the point that she “gets it” when it comes to the cruelty and inhumanity that is at the heart of bloody, predatory horse slaughter. I was both motivated and enthralled when I read what she had written as it was years beyond her time and several levels above the tripe that you get out of the public ramblings on the Horse-Eaters side, I had to pinch myself to remember that this was a fourteen year old speaking out, hats off to Cheyenne; we sure hope that there are a ton more of young folks like you out there as our fight is for you.

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